Saturday, October 18, 2014

Join the Fight...

How sad that PETA would actually kill animals in the guise of saving them! –Kim

It's Time to Put PETA Down

Despite its warm-and-fuzzy public image, PETA has donated over $150,000 to criminal activists — including those jailed for arson, burglary, and even attempted murder. In 2001, PETA donated $1,500 to the North American Earth Liberation Front (a.k.a. North American Animal Liberation Front), a criminal organization that the FBI calls "domestic terrorists."

Listen to PETA's campaign director Bruce Friedrich encourage activists to commit arson against restaurants, medical laboratories and financial institutions (video below).

Since 2000, PETA's rank-and-file have been arrested over 80 times for breaking laws during protests. Charges included felony obstruction of government property, criminal mischief, assaulting a cabinet official, felony vandalism, performing obscene acts in public, destruction of federal property and burglary.

Like millions of other nonprofit groups, PETA pays no federal taxes on its income. But few of these other groups share PETA's total disregard for the law. In 2003 alone, PETA avoided over $3.5 million in federal income taxes. This tax break amounts to a huge subsidy, and American taxpayers are footing the bill for PETA's behavior.

Proof PETA Kills Animals:

Make your voice heard:


Also, see:

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