Rest in peace, wounded warrior ... Well done, good and faithful servant....
Kimberly Joy
1952 - 2014
On October 23, 2014, our Blogmaster, Kimberly Joy lost her fight with cancer. These are just a few of the many, many hundreds of condolences that Kim and her family have received (there are just too many to share). Many thanks to all who shared caring, comforting words and lovingly supported Kim's family during their difficult ordeal.
"We learned today that one of our volunteers and foster mommy left us yesterday. Kim was one special lady whom I wish I had met in person. We talked numerous times on the phone as well as through emails. Kim was an inspiration to me while going through some difficult times myself. She talked about her family, animals and her love for God, who we thought would let her stay with us a little longer. Guess He needed another angel by His side. My prayers and the prayers of all the volunteers with WolfSpirit's Rescue are with the family." –Robin K. Aufderheide, WolfSpirit's Toy Breed Puppymill Rescue
"I received the staggering, shocking news that a dear, precious friend from long ago moved on to her new Home. Kim was one of my background vocalists for awhile during the 70s. But more importantly, she was my dear sister in Jesus. She was a very special lady who was heavily involved in dog rescue, home schooled her children, all of whom have grown up to be successful, dynamic, spiritually-minded people, she had a wonderful background in theater, was a great singer, and a more beautiful person inside you'll never meet. Her husband Bob (another dear friend whom I was privileged to introduce to Kim way back in 1977), all of their children and the rest of their family are in my heart, and I hope that you'll all join me in offering prayers and positive thoughts for them all during this terribly hard time." –Stephen Alexandersen Sharp
"As I sit here on this beautiful afternoon with the sun shining and a nice breeze blowing through our wind chimes, I see our Jaxon and Maddie doing zoomies in our large fenced yard. Kim had mentioned to me how she wished she had a large fenced yard for all her fur babies to run and play. She now has that and is enjoying watching all her babies with whom she is reunited running and playing. I know she is smiling her gorgeous smile and her laughter is filling Heaven. Such beautiful music! I will love hearing it one day." –Rebecca Stivers
"Heaven has gained an Angel... one of our foster homes, Kim has passed away." –Amber Kay, Fur Angels Animal Sanctuary
"Kim, I am so sorry to hear of your passing. Fur Angels was truly blessed to have you in our rescue. You were my friend. You inspired me to keep moving when times got tough. I am so blessed to have you on my team. Rest in peace sweet angel. We shall meet again." –Julie Johnson, Fur Angels Animal Sanctuary
"I am at such a loss for words... I only knew you through Starfish Animal Rescue, I worked with you a few times, and in that small time from it was immediately obvious what an amazing person you are! You had one of the biggest hearts, and positive outlooks I had ever come across!! You were selfless in everyway. Your family and friends were so lucky and blessed to have had you in their lives and I know that you will be watching over them from above taking care of all of them any way you can. You were the foster mom for my last dog, we named her Minnie.... we love her! Thank you so much for everything you have done, and I know will continue to do from up above. Thoughts prayers and love go out to your family. you will be deeply, deeply missed...." –Amber Spitzer-Peacock, Starfish Animal Rescue
"I am so sad to hear that Kim has passed. She was such a wonderful person and such a phenomenal animal advocate. I will forever be thankful for the love and care she gave Rex when he was so very sick. I'm sure Kim that you are working at the Rainbow Bridge. God bless you." –Donna Bartolac Eliades

"So sorry to hear of Kim's passing. I'm grateful to have been included in the fundraising & celebration of her life. Thank you for the opportunity to be a small part of her life." –Shannon Cole, Shannon's Pet Sitting
"In the midst of sorrow, such gratitude. So many of my college students where I teach have never known a mother's committed faithful love of them, much less Christ. Marriages that remain committed in faith, friendship, and passion – unheard of. Friendships unwavering through the years – non-existent. Extended family with a sense of respect, friendship, and humor. What is that? I hope you all know how rich and blessed you are – we are.... In a world where everything spins toward death, how beautiful is the person who mirrors eternal life. That would be Kim." –Edie Hill
"All of us at Bald is Beautiful Dog Rescue are devastated to hear the news of Kim's passing. She had a heart of gold and was a fantastic foster mom. She will be missed by all who knew her. Hugs to all of you." –Stacy Snell Smith, Bald is Beautiful Dog Rescue
"She was an angel to the many dogs she saved and loved. I can only imagine what a wonderful mother she was." –Ellen Westkaemper, Bald is Beautiful Dog Rescue
"Kim's enthusiasm about rescue and life overall was palpable. We spoke on the phone several times and it was clear to see what a vibrant,caring and loving woman she was." –Sue Bickford, Bald is Beautiful Dog Rescue
"As I look at your picture and see you smiling, I can't help but think, you is seeing now what we can only imagine. Set free, healed and worshiping at His feet, lying down your very LARGE crown at His feet as well! God comfort the family as only HE can as you begin the most difficult task of saying goodbye, for now. He will bring people along to lift your hearts. He will carry you, no matter how heavy your load. This night, my heart is broken. RIP Kim, enter into the joy of your Lord. Every life matters." –Linda Babikian
"My heart breaks to hear that Kim has passed away. She was one of the kindest and most genuine people I ever had the honor of knowing and she will be missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to her wonderful family." –Julie Plagge
"I am deeply saddened to hear about the news of Kim today. I was fortunate enough to have met Kim almost 2 yrs ago when I was looking into adopting a dog she was fostering. From the moment I met her I knew she was special. She had rescued a very scared & malnourished puppy & she loved him back to good health before I adopted him in 2013. I chose to name him Mateo, which means God's gift, because he truly was a gift!!! Kim & I always stayed in touch and I knew how special Mateo was to Kim. I will always, always be grateful to her for what she did for my little Mateo. She was his first "mom" and I never would've experienced all the love & joy he brings me each day if it wasn't for Kim. May God be with all of you during this difficult time & know that Kim touched so many lives and that she was deeply loved & will be greatly missed by many." –Chrissy Schramm Berger
"So so sorry to hear this news, Kim has always been a Ray of sonshine to me...and I'm sure Many, even many cannines....When Jesus was at Lazarus tomb and saw the grief, He was grieved to tears and angry with death.... that is why He did what He did and conquered the grave so we can be together forever...Thank You Jesus!!! And till you all see your precious Kim again, I pray His supernatural comfort." –Sandy Moberg Marschall

"Lost an amazing friend today. Our hearts are completely broken... She is and always will be the heart of our family. Always so full of love and touched everyone around her – Kim was loved and will forever be a part of our lives...." –Nancy Thaxton, USSPN State Apostolic Coordinator for West Virginia
"Thank you to all those who stood in faith and prayed with us for Kim, our daughter-in-law Joy's mother. She fought a hard and courageous battle with cancer, but she is standing totally well and whole in the presence of her Savior, Jesus. Now please focus your prayers on her husband of 35 years, Bob, and her five children and their spouses. Our hearts are broken because we all expected a different outcome, but we do not grieve as those who have no hope. We will see her again. We pray the peace of God and the comfort of His Spirit to rest on all the family." –Bonnie Hammer
"Oh Lord Jesus, You have such a precious woman there in your embrace now. May your Love dry all her tears. We will miss her terribly. We look to You. May You restore us somehow... Oh God we pray for Hope for Bob and their children." –Steve Murray
"Heaven is going to be an amazing place because the dazzling array of people like Kim Sperlazzo will be reflecting the light of Christ. My love and prayers go out to you, Bob. Love you, Paul Clark"
This entry was posted
on Saturday, November 1, 2014
at Saturday, November 01, 2014
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